You try to fall asleep at night but your mind keeps wandering, worrying about your kids: Who are they hanging out with? Why are their grades slipping? They’re not talking to you; they’re not sharing a thing that’s happening in their lives. Are they doing drugs? Having sex? When did you as a parent go from being your teens’ best friend to them treating you worse than a stranger? You know you need to use different tactics, but you’re totally lost. How can you get them to even look up from their phones, let alone have a meaningful conversation? You’ve reached out to your adolescent’s teachers and school counselors, but that hasn’t helped. Your spouse is just as worried, but you find you can’t even talk about it with each other. Will this be the last straw for your marriage?
At Beehive Counseling in Manchester CT, we believe that despite how it may feel right now, parents are the most important people in your adolescent’s life. Our skilled therapists help you figure out what’s gone wrong so we can help you set it right. We help you change unhealthy family patterns and create a blueprint for family harmony that can have an impact on generations to come. And we help you work better together as parents, whether you’re together or divorced. We can help you communicate more effectively with your teen’s teachers and school staff. We share your goal: To be a family that doesn’t just coexist, but one that thrives. For help charting a different course forward, contact us.